Anti-counterfeiting is an important part of our brand protection solutions because it helps you to prevent counterfeiters from selling products that may bear your trademark. We are experienced in identifying and shutting down operations that promote counterfeit goods.
One of the most important parts of our brand protection solutions is identifying unauthorized distributors and resellers. We can also create complete reports on each case, which we will deliver to your attorney for litigation if needed.
In addition to protecting your trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights, we also provide content protection services to ensure that the products you sell on e-commerce marketplaces are not copied or distributed without your consent.
Identify every website and marketplace where your products are sold, for how much, and by whom, and track these changes over time. This is the best way to ensure that you are gaining maximum visibility online and can quickly identify unauthorized distributors of your products.
MAP and authorized dealer networks' best-in-class, automated compliance engine is seamless to the reseller and efficient for your compliance team. With MAP & Resale Policy Compliance you can reduce costs by eliminating manual processes, increase online revenue by enabling more retailers to sell your products, and improve customer satisfaction .
Our trademark and brand protection program also includes monitoring and enforcement of the copyright that your brand might be using. This protection program covers logos, product detail pages, brand names, product titles, and other aspects of your brand identity.
We understand that many of our clients are international companies that need bilingual support in order to protect their brands. Both English and Spanish speaking experts are available to help you with any and all brand protection needs making our services perfect for any business, especially those that are expanding into new markets.
E-commerce brand protection helps you protect your brand products from being listed, promoted, distributed or sold without your consent. We have the tools and resources available to help you with this process so that you can focus on growing your business. E-commerce protection also helps you to monitor your products and prevent unauthorized distributors and resellers from selling them online, which can damage your reputation and sales.
Brand Monitoring is an important part of our brand protection solutions because it helps you to make sure that your brand identity and reputation are protected online. As a brand owner, one of the most important things that you can do is to carefully monitor your presence on e-marketplaces in order to identify unauthorized distributors and resellers.
We provide brand protection services and support to any industry and products that are sold on e-commerce platforms.
We can adjust our services to the client’s project, plans, or special case if needed by providing a personalized service to the brand owner.
We have a deep knowledge in the market and in the behavior of the unauthorized resellers that allow us to track them down successfully.
We provide a personalized support to the brand owner, and provide you with a deep explanation case by case. We also inform you when your brand is in a potential risk.
Our services are provided by intellectual property experts that have deep knowledge in e-commerce compliance.
Reach out to us today and get a complimentary consultation.